Monday, May 14, 2012

Relaxing Weekend.

I had a pretty relaxing weekend.  I did a lot of this:

While hanging by the pool and looking at:

It was overall a nice weekend.  I decided to tell the MIL what was going on.  She only let me get so far as to say we've seen a doctor- before interrupting me a with a bunch of (unwanted) advice.  Advice like, "just relax," and "have you tried timing sex?"  Really ground breaking stuff.  Ok, now I'm just being mean.

She didn't ask any questions and really didn't let me tell her what we've done or what we're doing- so I think my husband was right, his family just likes to pretend things are very "normal," even when they're not.

Tomorrow is the pregnancy test.  I've had all of my regular period symptoms, so I'm expecting a BFN.  But just in case, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, sorry to hear you had the usual crap 'relax' advice. I guess some people just don't know what to say when they hear you're struggling. I think it might be better in the long run that she does know, at least while you may get rubbish advice on how to relax or try wearing your socks or something at least you shouldn't get "why haven't you given me a grandkid yet?"? Thinking of you for your test today :)
