Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Baby Showers.

Many of my friends have had kids, many are pregnant.  Several are due in a month or so.  One of my closer friends is due later this month, and a cousin is due in June.  It hit me the other day that I had not received baby shower invites from them.  I was curious, so I logged onto Facebook and checked out their pages.  Low and behold, there were pictures from both of their baby showers. For my cousin, other family members were clearly at the shower, but nobody mentioned it.  For the friend, all of our common friends were there.  I'm not quite sure what to make of this situation.  I haven't had any falling out with them- in fact, I've hung out with them both recently.

It made me wonder: have my friends started to think of me as a bad omen so they don't invite me to showers? Do they think that my life will be easier if they don't invite me to their showers? It's a really crappy feeling- and it will probably get crappier until we get pregnant.  I think I've mentioned that a VERY close friend of mine didn't even tell me she was pregnant- and then after I found out, she didn't even tell me she was having a girl.  She wasn't keeping it a secret, everyone knew she was pregnant, but for some reason she didn't tell me.  I never asked her why not, I figured it probably wasn't worth it.

What do you do in situation likes these where you aren't invited to showers? Do you call them up and ask about it- and just assume the invitation got lost in the mail?  Do you just pretend everything is fine and don't ask them about it? Do you stop being their friends?

I'm not sure what to do.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! you poor girl, how horrible to feel ignored like that. I would guess that they're trying to spare your feelings but it's probably best to take them aside and talk about it? it's so hard cos I find it hard when people always talk babies but then at the same time I don't want people to tiptoe around me. sorry they've upset you. hugs
