I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend- and hopefully it was a long one! I had a good time, although my husband ended up working the entire time- I swear he's going to burn out. My sister F came from Canada, and we had a good time together.
I picked her up from the airport, and on the way back home she just said so many wrong things. She doesn't mean to, I'm sure she's supportive and loving, but her comments just really stung. She would continually bring up babies, and how "oh, so and so hasn't been able to get pregnant, maybe that's a sign she shouldn't be a mother." "Oh, I completely forgot so and so was pregnant, but it's not really theirs, so it doesn't really count." And "DH and I are thinking of having another kid- since the last one was an accident, we have the chance to actually time this one the way we want!"
I just kept quiet and continued to drive. She knows I've been trying for so long to get pregnant, so I'm not sure why she would be so insensitive. My sister has been known to be overly competitive. My oldest sister got engaged, and F had to beat her to the alter. That marriage didn't last. Then 8 years later I got engaged, and F again had to beat me to the alter. My eldest sister had a lot of trouble conceiving, and as soon as my sister F found out, she "accidentally" ended up pregnant.
She has a lot of issues she needs to work out, and normally they don't bother me- I'm pretty secure in where I am in life and happy with what I've accomplished. But those comments really upset me.
I just drove her to my Mom's house and went home- where I found a bowl of Hagen Daaz vanilla bean ice cream, prepared for me by my husband (who I had called upset once I had dropped off F).
The next day my sister apologized, so I suppose she understood her comments were out of line. I forgave her- I always forgive her. She is, after all, my sister.
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