Friday, May 4, 2012


I have two, absolutely adorable nieces, one from each of my sisters.  My oldest sister is now pregnant with her second child, a boy.  She TTC for 7 years before getting pregnant with my niece- luckily embryos were donated to her, so she was able to have children.  My nieces are 6 and 2.  They are such a joy- and so different. 

The younger niece lives about 6-7 hours away, so I don't get to see her very often. The oldest niece (and unplanned niece), sister, and brother in law used to live in my city, but they moved up to Canada a little under a year ago.  We used to see her several times a week, and she would often spend the night at our house.  I've missed her so much in these past few months. I miss both of my nieces- they bring such a big smile to my face.  I can't wait to have a child myself- these girls remind me of the preciousness that is childhood.

Anyway, my niece from Canada is visiting this weekend and I can barely contain myself.  She's spending the night on Saturday- and we have a large list of things to do- make cookies, watch Pingu, go for a walk, go to the park, and finally, on Sunday, go to a local theme park.  It'll be a busy weekend, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  Besides, this will help me stop thinking about my May 15 pregnancy test!

Have a good weekend everyone.

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