Thursday, May 3, 2012

Nervous Nelly.

I'm nervous.  I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, and he gave me an HCG trigger shot, sent me home and told me and hubby to BD at midnight on Tuesday.  We followed our doctor's orders to the T.  Yesterday I called and made an appointment for a blood pregnancy test for the first possible day, the 15th.  So now I wait.  And wait.

I'm excited.  I've had a sneaking suspicion that the reason why we didn't get pregnant was because we weren't timing sex right because I was so irregular.  My cycles would last anywhere between 28 and 60 days, so figuring out when I was O was impossible.  Also, we were using a clear blue easy fertility monitor, but since my cycles were so long, I often had to use two packs in one cycle- and miraculously, whenever I opened the second pack, the monitor would tell me I was ovulating.  This was probably just because the sticks didn't come from the same production line- they're that sensitive.

Hubby and I did our best to remain very sexually active d uring the past 1.5 years, but with 60 day cycles, there are bound to be periods where you have sex maybe once a week.  This is especially true when you consider we both work very demanding jobs, and work 60-80 hours a week- and most weekends. We usually get home around 7:30 or 8:00, and need to eat.  By the time we're settled in, it's 10:00 and we're exhausted and need to get up the next morning at 6:30.  Yes, something has got to give, and it will.

Anyway, I'm excited because this is the first time we know we BD when I was ovulating!  Now, I know that even when you BD when you are ovulating, the chances of getting pregnant are something like 20%, so it's unlikely I'll get pregnant, but still- I'm so excited!

My friends and family members all tell me they just "knew" they were pregnant before they were tested.  I keep trying to feel any signs of pregnancy (something I have done for the past 1.5 years).  Nothing yet- but I keep hoping.

We'll know regardless on the 15th, and I can't wait.  Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. FX for you!! good luck :) will be thinking of you, find some mini projects for the tww!
