TTC: 1 year, 3 months, 18 days
Sperm Marathon
So husband's sperm analysis is being performed today. He dutifully made his appointment for 8:00 a.m. this morning, was handed a paper bag and told to collect his semen and bring it to the doctor's office within an hour. I got up extra early and let him do his thing. And despite the pornos that some people may have in their minds, there is no "hot nurse" no :dirty magazines," just a paper sack with a collection cup, and a small sample of mineral oil to assist.
We'll know in a few days whether there's a problem with the sperm. It seems very easy for men- they take one test, if all is well, then clearly it's a problem with the woman. Women, on the other hand, have to undergo what seems like endless tests to get a potential diagnosis. My theory is, we're just very complicated beings, and one test simply won't do it.
I'm not sure if I should be hoping the sperm analysis comes back good or bad. If the answer is as simple as there's a problem with the sperm, then we've saved ourselves a long arduous process of testing for the purposes of diagnosis. On the other hand, men seem to think that sperm count is a direct tie to their manliness. No matter how much I tell the husband that it doesn't matter to me if there is a problem with his sperm, he doesn't seem to really believe me.
We'll see how it goes. In the meantime, the sperm race is on.
Awaiting sperm results together! I know my hubs is gonna feel emasculated if they're bad :(