TTC: 1 year, 3 months, 17 days
Irregular periods.
Through this process I've tracked more information about my cycle than I prefer to admit. Period flows, cervical mucus, fertility monitor status, when I have sore breasts, when I feel sick, when I have cramps, etc. I've come to know my body better than ever before. But after all these months of tracking and taking notes, I've come to the conclusion, that really, I don't know much about my cycle.
I do know, I have irregular periods.
What does that mean? For me, it means cycle lengths that vary from 29-47 days long. It means my period can last anywhere from 3-7 days long. It means I have no regular peak fertility cycle. It means that some cycles I need to break out the super heavy duty tampons, and sometimes a light pad will work.
It's frustrating. If I had a regular cycle, things would be much easier. We'd be able to gauge, with some sort of certainty my fertile days. But alas, my body is a mystery, and it's frustrating.
Take today for example. I went to the doctors ready to start my clomid challenge test, but I've been only spotting for three days, and am still not having a full flow- required to start the test. The nurse asks if this spotting is normal for me- and my answer is simply, nothing's normal for me. Some months I spot, others I don't. Life would be easier if I could just say, "why yes, this is normal" or "no, this isn't."
Perhaps the irregularity is contributing to our inability to get pregnant. I'd love to be like my countless friends, who have regular periods, calculate their fertile days, and voila, they're pregnant the next month.
But this is the path I will walk, the one that I'm in.
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