Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I took a hiatus from the blog, sorry.  Things have been crazy.  I was really frustrated- I went to the doctor and he did an ultrasound, but the follicules were too small.  So I scheduled my next appointment.  The lady initially suggested Monday, but I reminded her it was a holiday, so she pushed me to Thursday.  I even asked, well, is that ok in terms of timing? If the doctor wanted to see me on Monday, wouldn't Tuesday be more prudent? But she insisted on Thursday.

We went in on Thursday and my follicules, while big enough, were now oddly shaped.  My doctor said that this is either a sign that I already ovulated, or a sign that there is something else... He wouldn't elaborate on the something else. 

Needless to say, I'm super upset because had I gone in on Tuesday, I wouldn't have missed the ovulation.

Anyway, I took the trigger shot just in case, and we BD accordingly. 

Then Saturday I had to go to a baby shower, which makes the 1,000,000 this year. 

Anyway, now I am in the midst of the two week wait.  Again.  I hate this phase.

My husband and I had planned on doing three months of femara with timed intercourse.  Then we'd move onto IUI for at least 3 months, and then and only then would we look at invitro.  I just wish my body would cooperate and get pregnant already.

Sorry, I promise the next post will be more upbeat, but if I'm keeping it real, today and this past week has really sucked.

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